Posts tagged content marketing 101
How To Create A Simple Editorial Calendar

This is the fifth lesson in my ongoing blog series Content Marketing 101. I created this free course specifically for small businesses and solopreneurs wanting to launch or grow the heart of their business: their connection with the people who need what they offer. In this post, I walk you through the basics of setting up your editorial calendar. I use mine to keep my business moving forward - especially during those times when I tend to distract myself with passive action that keeps me busy but not making progress. The result of that is a vortex of business stress:) Your editorial calendar is a way out!

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Why You Need Blog Categories + Tags

This is the fourth lesson in my Content Marketing 101 series. I created this course because my readers and clients desire a down-to-earth and doable action plan when it comes to using their websites as a structured but expanding tool to grow their businesses! Today's post is a simple + soulful explanation of what blog categories and tags are; and how to use them for increased visibility (SEO) and clear navigation for your readers.

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What To Write About On Your Blog

One of the hardest things about having a blog is knowing what to write about. If you don't have a list of topics cued up, you won't write. Trust me. I know from personal experience. In today's post (as part of my ongoing Content Marketing 101 series), I'll help you take the steps of figuring out what to write about. As always, I'll share simple + soulful insights that are easy to understand and take action on. What you write about can help you grow your business; and I believe making money doing what you love is a form of self-care. So let's do this!

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Who Should You Be Marketing To

This is the second post in my content marketing 101 series. In it I share three simple + soulful questions that will help you figure out your target market, dream client, customer avatar...whatever you desire to call it. I also share the big oops I made with my first business that resulted in an ego-inflating lead list - filled with the demoralizing reality that those people were never going to happily pay me for my services. Eesh. Live and learn my friends.

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10 Reasons Your Business Needs A Blog

Welcome the my Content Marketing 101 series! If you have been putting off blogging because you don't have time or know what to write about (or don't know how to set one up on your Squarespace site) this series is for you! I believe blogging is the most cost-effective marketing you can do for your business. In this post I share ten specific reasons you should not ignore blogging if you want increase your cash-flow.

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