15 Super Easy Blog Ideas For People Who Hate To Write

15 simple blog ideas for people who hate to write

Last week we shared 5 Simple Things To Make Writing A Blog Post  A Million Times Easier because we know how challenging it can feel to begin the publishing process.

Adding dynamic content to your website on a regular basis is important because it helps your business’ searchability, builds trust with potential customers, and gives you something to share on your social channels besides other people’s content. The best way to add dynamic content? Start blogging to support your business. Promoting your own blog posts from time to time will give you (and other people) something to share on social channels that links to a very important place...your website.

"Content marketing is the practice of creating, publishing, and sharing content with the goal of building the reputation and visibility of your brand."

Search Engine Land

But what if you’re just starting out and don’t know what to write about?
And what if you feel like you don’t have time to create content for your blog?
And what if you don’t actually like to write?

We compiled a list of ideas just for you! The topics below are low-pressure and easy to implement into your Squarespace blogging process. As you look through them, see if you can find ways to use each topic as a springboard for sharing information that would be useful to your potential clients.

Highlight a hero.

Write a post about someone you look up to. Someone who has made a difference in your life and/or work.

Share a reading list.

Make a list of recent blog articles you found interesting. Share your thoughts about each article and what your take-aways were.

Write a thank you note.

Share the gratitude you have for your clients, class attendees, or readers. Tell people how wonderful they are, what you’ve learned from them, and why they matter in your life.

Post pictures.

Use images to tell a story. Just be sure to add captions to your photos because remember, Google crawls the words on your website. You could share pictures from a trip you took, a class you facilitated or attended, a behind-the-scenes tour of your shop, office, or community. You could also share photos that visually explain a step-by-step process.

Make a list of your favorite quotes.

People adore thought-provoking quotes that shift their perspective and increase their motivation. Ask your readers to share their favorite quote in the comments and see if you can’t start a lively discussion!

Post  a video.

Make a quick video of you telling a personal story, teaching a concept from your area of expertise, going through a step-by-step process, or discussing a topic that is relevant to potential clients. When you’re ready to add the video to your Squarespace site, follow these steps.

Answer a question.

Pay attention to questions that arise in your networking groups or from clients. Write a quick post that answers one of those questions.

Upload an audio.

Record yourself reading something uplifting. Offer a guided meditation. Share your thoughts on a topic. Be conversational. Here are my tips (and some free tools) to record yourself and add it to your Squarespace website.

Share that interesting thing you were about to publish on your Facebook wall.

Write a quick post about why it interests you and what you got out of it. Then share your blog post to your Facebook wall. (Be sure to give proper credit if you are referencing someone else’s work or writing). By doing this, you will have shared that interesting thing, but you'll also have directed traffic back to your website.

Give your two cents. Write a review.

Have you read a book, heard a song, seen a movie, taken a class, or attended a workshop that rocked your world? Write a short review!

Share a list of products you love or tools you regularly use.

What seems obvious to you may not be to others. Give people a peek behind the curtain of your life and business so they can see how you do what you do. The products and tools you love may help others in ways they hadn’t considered.

Interview someone you find interesting.

Not only will you and your readers learn a lot, but you just might increase your readership because I’ll bet your interviewee will share your article with his/her audience.

Share a list of things you wish you knew before.

What did you learn the hard way? Could you shortcut someone’s growth curve by writing about it?

Tell the story of how you got started.

There are people who look up to you. You may not realize it, but there are. Bolster their confidence by sharing how you got started doing what you do. People love stories about the guts and gumption it takes to make brave choices. It gives us a sense of reassurance when we know someone else has overcome the same types of challenges we're experiencing.

Share the best and/or worst advice you ever received.

So interesting. So useful. Often very funny:)

There you have it! 15 super easy blog ideas for people who hate to write. We hope these tips spark even more great ideas for your business blog!

Other resources you might enjoy:

How To Survive The Early Stages Of Blogging
I Have A Website, Now What?
How I Became A Better Writer For My Business

If you are struggling to produce high-quality content on your blog, or you are just not sure what content will help grow your business, we can help! As small business owners, we have been in your shoes and can provide consulting services to get you on the right track to make your investment in your website really pay off. 

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